Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The foolishness of the environmental movement and congress!

Been saying the same thing for a long time. Plus they dont' work in Dimmers. I have broken two of these bulbs. I never broke regular ones before, and if I did I wouldn't worry about mercury poisoning. Plus, now we will have mercury in our aquafer. Whats aquafer? Its fer drinkin and swimmin and fishin.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Conch Republic Naval Battle 2009

You can join the CR Nvy FYI...I am going to suggest a commercial campaign...It's not just a job, it's a lifestyle

Conch Republic Independance Day

Today marks the Day that Key West got smart and left the Union. Tired of Tyranny from Federal and State govt, They decided to do what is legally right in the Constitution and seceded from the Union. The Feds did not like that and sent agents to stop it. Every year there is a Naval battle between the Federal forces (Coast Guard Cutter) and the Conch Republic Navy where the CR Navy throws stale Cuban bread at the Federal tyrants to celebrate the original. So grab a Mojito or a Margarita today and maybe a Cuban Sandwich. Or since it is Bithlo, have what I call a "Redneck Margatita" Mountain Dew and Tequila (CHeaper the better-I like Two Fingers/Dos Diedos Silver and a fish sandwich from Mickey D's.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Big Fat Redneck Baby

Episode of CMT's show My Big Fat Redneck Baby filmed ri-chere in Bithlo!

In the into you see a black and orange Harley themed Bronco. I know the guy who used to own it.

Just copy and past this in your browser


Cool thing about it is that it is episode 407...Represent!

420 sailing class training Gran Canaria 20-2-2007

More 420 stuff for ya! Enjoy, the beginning is a little trippy.

Dude on Price IS Right bids 420 over and over

Proof that you won't win with 420. Happy 4/20 Day hippies!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chevy 350-420HP Crate Engine

420 HP for 4/20!!!

Coconut - Harry Nilsson

I wish I could say I invented this flavor (I kinda did- yes I heard the song a lot before but no I was just thinking what flavors would be awesome together for tropical cause Twistee Treat has a gajillion flavors, and I have been using Coconut that they have in milk shakes, and I wanted a slushie) I think if you want to smile, go to Twistee Treat by Publix, and say I want a  slushie. When they ask what kind play this song.

Have them use more coconut and less ice.
I guarantee you will love it. Unless you don't like yummy happy goodness.
I wish they had bacon flavor....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

An Athiest Says He Knows There Is No God

I found this because some Athiest guy said I was not rational because I belived in God. This is the kind of stuff I like to find when Liberals think they are open minded but they think if you disagree with them then you are wrong.

This atheist actually believed he knew for a fact that there was no God.  I found that position to be interesting and, quite honestly, not possible.
Also, he and I discussed faith a bit towards the end.
Atheist: As to religious arguments I haven't found one that can stand up to the logic of atheism.
Matt: Are you a strong atheist or a weak one?
Atheist: Never heard of a weak atheist.
Matt: I’ll explain. A strong atheist states that there is no God. He knows there is no God. A weak atheist, basically, 'lacks belief' in a god of any sort.
Atheist: Then I am a strong atheist.
Matt: Then you know there is no God?
Atheist: As much as knowledge can tell us yes..Maybe it's you who have to catch up on your atheism... Agnostic fits the description pretty well of a weak atheist...
Matt: That is what I said...which are you?
Atheist: I am a strong. Characteristic human thought, coupled with hope is what religion boils down to, the unexplained tried to be explained...
Matt: So, you know there is no god?
Atheist: Yes.
Matt: How can you know that?
Atheist: It's a reasonable assumption. If you want a definitive answer. Does any Christian bother to look in the dictionary to what truth actually means? There is no 100% anything. Only close to it.
Matt: Then you cannot KNOW there is no God. Your strong atheism is illogical.
Atheist: Let's look at Christianity. It runs on faith. Faith is not logical. It gives credence to unicorns, goblins and thing s that go bump in the night.
Matt: Nope. The subject is your atheism. Please don't try to change the subject.
Atheist: The subject can jump where ever.
Matt: Your atheism is illogical. You cannot know there is no God. To do that, you'd have to know All things to know there is no God.
Atheist: I will defend, but also place in attack. Try to defend faith
Matt: One subject at a time....You'd have to have seen all evidences to know there is no God. You cannot claim this, therefore, your atheism is illogical.
Atheist: You can never see all evidences but that does not mean there is a god.
Matt: Correct.
Atheist: No, that means there is not enough information for a conclusion. So we make assumptions as best we can according to our knowledge...
Matt: But you must concede that your claim to strong atheism (that you know there is no God) is not logical.
Atheist: My knowledge of the human brain leads me to believe there is no god...
Matt: Then that means there MIGHT be a God, because you don't know all the evidence. Therefore, you must logically be an agnostic.
Atheist: And so must you... But you picked a side.
Matt: Then it [your atheism] is not logical, but only assumptions you base your atheism on. Your atheism is untenable.... You must admit that agnosticism is more logically viable. If you admit that, we can discuss my faith.
Atheist: I'm not ignorant to say I don't use faith. But only the usage of faith in a situation that remains provable.
Matt: So, are you agnostic or atheist? which is it?
Atheist: Atheist.
Matt: You've lost the argument. Sorry...
Atheist: Wrong. What you're doing is a ploy. You bring me over.. but you stay the same. Either you must move over as well or the argument is mute in the first place. One can not keep faith and call his beliefs logical. For a bit I will stray over to the agnostic side. But I am willing to state instances where I believe prove my contention that there is no god.
Matt: You have been cornered.... It is not logical for you to claim strong atheism. You have not seen all the facts. Therefore, the possibility of God's existence is real. Therefore, you must admit that agnosticism is more logical in this situation. Alright, Let's talk faith.
Atheist: Alright faith. you first.
Matt: I believe God exists. I have faith that he exists.
Atheist: Proof.
Matt: I have none.
Atheist: No proof with faith. So, do you always believe in things that you can not prove?
Matt: No... not at all... I have evidences, but they cannot lead to 100% proof or else all could be forced to believe. But, if there is enough evidence, I do believe.
Atheist: So you must be agnostic in that sense as well.
Matt: No... because I make choices. Though it is possible for my faith to be proven wrong, I still rest on the evidences and draw logical conclusions.
Atheist: Evidence....
Matt: Yes....
Atheist: Then you disregard one of the most fundamental rules of the game...
Matt: Which is?
Atheist: "Where ever knowledge is incomplete, there is a place for "faith;" but where ever knowledge and "faith" conflict, it is "faith" which must be modified or abandoned."
Matt: Or the understanding must be reevaluated.... 'Facts' have been found to be wrong before.
Atheist: Facts are not Truths. They are reasonable assumptions. I will get a dictionary definition for that one...
Matt: That's fine. So what about it? What kind of evidence would be sufficient for you to conclude there is a god?
Atheist: Fact - Reality or actuality as distinguished to from conjecture or fantasy; Something known by observation or experience to be true or real.
Matt: That's good.... Now... what would constitute evidence for God's existence?
Atheist: An instance of superiority... Something humans could not do.. OR not be able to explained through phenomena but event then...
Matt: That's good... now... what would constitute evidence for God's existence?
Atheist: A universal movement. A stoppage of the planet. Nothing earthly.
Matt: If that were to happen, would you conclude there was a god? Couldn't it be explained in other ways?
Atheist: I would of course doubt it at first. I would look for an explanation... And for something like that I would probably find no reasonable explanation..
Matt: If you had could not find one, what would you conclude? Would you conclude that there is a god? or that you simply don't have all the facts?
Atheist: You never have all of the facts... Reasonable assumptions, remember?
Matt: Then you could not safely conclude it was the hand of God, could you?
Atheist: Nope. that would be the only explanation that I could think of that would have the three means, opportunity. (forget motive) [I did not understand him here...]
Matt: Then you couldn't know anything for sure, right? That is, if you don't have all the facts, all of them.
Atheist: Haven't we already agreed you can never have all the facts?
Matt: What you are telling me is that you have no real way of proving or disproving God. So then, doesn't it come down to faith based upon evidence? I have evidence....
Atheist: I have to go. Friends just arrived. Can we finish this later?
Matt: If you want....
I'm not sure how it went with this atheist.  But I hope some seeds were planted.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

War of Northern Agression

Today April 12 is the day that we remember the start of the "Civil War" This year is the 150th anniversary. Unfortunately history is written by the victors. I really don't have time to get into details but I wanted to list a couple of books (the things with them funny symbols that make up words that ya use to prop Junior up in his high chair).

FYI the flag you see here is the REAL Stars and Bars, the First National Confederate Flag.Not the red flag with the blue "x" with 13 stars. That is a Naval jack if it is rectangular (some army units used it also) and if it is a square, it is a Battle Flag.
That is a per peeve of mine how people fly the Navy jack on a flagpole or from their house. They need this one, or there are 2 more. That is another topic.

For those of you in Bithlo that like big books, The South Was Right by James and Walter Kennedy. It is very detailed and has many references and examples of why the Lost Cause was a just cause and how Slavery was not the reason for the war. It has letters written by former slaves. Stuff they do not teach in school.

For a book with similar subject (actually makes reference to the above book) but with some ligthhearted humor and less words, The Pollitically Incorect Guide to the South (And Why It Will Rise Again) by Clint Johnson. Kyle if youre out there reading this give me my copy back it's been a couple years now. Oh and my Sony Hi-8 charger.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why you should see the movie Atlas Shrugged Pt I

Not good with this internet stuff yet so here is a link to a good article about the movie adaptation of Ayn Rands Magnus Opus(thats like saying masterpeice-I know this is Bithlo but I'm tryin to clas it up a little) Atlas Shrugged

If you want to know more about why conservatives are against many things Obama is doing then see this move or if ya didn't sell your readin spectacles fer crack then read the book. (Iff'n ya gradiated the 6th grade)

I am going Friday with some friends and I am dressing up Alex P Keaton style.